A Home Birth Story

This is the story of a recent client, as shared on her blog. While working with me as your midwife starting in early-mid pregnancy is ideal, some clients discover the option of home birth later on in pregnancy. The seed of making the change to home birth midwifery care may be planted through research, online forums, or, as in the case of the client below, a negative experience with their original care provider. Here is their story:
I Fired My Birth Team at Eight Months Pregnant
By Polina Westcott
EXCERPT: “I was exactly 8 months pregnant when I decided to switch from a “traditional” hospital birth to a home birth.
The truth is, I had been toying with the idea of a home birth since before I got pregnant. I hate hospitals (does anyone like them?) and I wasn’t overly thrilled at the idea of spending any time at one. Not to mention, the rules and restrictions were obnoxious, and even more so now that covid was a thing. Tests, masks, visitor restrictions – all things I did not want to deal with.” Keep reading